Whaaaaaat? But I L-O-V-E-D Leather & Lace Photography! Yah me too…
My very first high school photography “name” had been Sorrel Sky Photography. Charming. Horsey. Sunsets. I was working in a veterinarian clinic at that time and my name lost it’s charm the day I met a very rude client who’s evil cat happened to be named “Sorrel Sky”. Seriously? Who would name a dreadful male black cat “Sorrel Sky” anyway? So I set out on a mission to come up with a new name that didn’t invoke memories of a plump version of Cruella de Vil or her wicked black monster kitty.
So thus, in 2009 my Leather & Lace Photography came about and it fit me perfectly. My business developed, grew and was recognized as Leather & Lace Photography. And I thought it was flawless until the moment when someone laughingly said “Oh Leather & Lace? Like the strip club?” Over the next three years I began to notice that a large part of my web traffic found my website through yucky searches. Example: naked old couple wrapped in leather & lace. Yes. That happened. Not funny.
When I began weighing the pros and cons of rebranding my business, I asked a group of photographers what genre of photography they thought “Leather & Lace Photography” described. Out of about the 30 answers I got only one of them said “Classy, Country, Western.” All 29 other responses thought my “style” was boudoir. While I have done and love to shoot boudoir for beautiful ladies on special occasions, it is not the majority of my business. In fact, for various personal reasons I do not even publicly post or share images from my clients boudoir sessions.
Another con I found was that, back in 2009, I naively thought I was the only Leather & Lace Photography in the whole wide world. Wrong. It’s a dime a dozen. I wanted something where people don’t have to browse through 17 other photographers Facebook Pages and websites to find me! I want to be one of a kind, unique, ME!
OK. So it was official in my head. I wanted to change my business name. Rebrand. Start fresh. I chewed on a few other names but kept coming back to “Lyndsey Garber Photography”. Some of my dear clients think it is completely, totally and absolutely boring. It’s alright. I love you all too! But I knew that when I rebranded my business I wanted a name that would describe ME for the next 100 years no matter what I’m shooting, what my style is or who my target clientele is.
AND SO…after a year (good grief it took forever) of designing and planning I am now, yours truly, Lyndsey Garber Photography.
Mar 20, 2013
© 2022 SHOWIT TEMPLATE BY birdesign & roselyncarr.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY Lyndsey & Nelson Garber