Last week I confidently posted this boudoir photo to my Instagram feed. With in minutes I had followers dropping like dead flies.
And then I proceeded to mentally debate with myself over it….over and over and over. The big questions being, how do I balance not letting fear of rejection dictate my actions while being respectful with what I post.
I think it is a question a lot of us creatives struggle with when posting on social media platforms that we use for our businesses. Are we going to risk leaving the safe zone and cross that “lose followers” line even if it is something we believe in?
After much internal debate, I decided that I am going keep posting boudoir image…occasionally. But I’m also going to take a step further and share and share with you a little bit behind WHY!
I am ok with losing followers.
I respect when someone does not wish to follow me due to being offended (or the other popular word with us homeschoolers would be “defrauded”) regardless of how much skin is showing. I had people unfollow me even when I posted a behind the scenes boudoir shot…sans model. And I’m ok with that because if it’s an issue, let them unfollow, I respect their decision and I won’t fight to get them back.
I’m a Christian. I believe in boudoir photography.
It always amazes me how many fellow Christians have never read the book called “Song of Solomon” in the Bible. It’s so risqué that it’s often deemed a “no-no” read when you are a single believer! So in case you don’t know, the whole story is about how the man is delighting in the body God gave his woman and vice versa. The old language can be quite comical but really it’s all about boobs.
I believe boudoir is a priceless gift to yourself and your spouse.
The desire to delight in each others beauty is God-given and it’s worth celebrating and preserving.
One of my boudoir wives told me that when her husband was flipping through his album he had just opened on Valentines she said, “I know I don’t really look this amazing in real life but I hope you like it.” He closed the book, took her in his arms and said, “This is EXACTLY how I see you in real life!” She told me she was in tears because she’d never felt truly beautiful and in that moment, her world had changed. She was able to see what her husband sees in her! Now years later she tells me how much those images changed HER life, even though the original intent was to bless her husband.
I believe in modesty!
Because of that, I carefully choose the images I post. I shot this entire session with the intent of using these images to show a woman when she asks to see examples of my boudoir work. You’ll notice my gal is wearing a full t-shirt and not-a-thong panties. I feel this image is modest, even in light of what it implies. If you disagree…read back over my first point.
I am more conservative than you’d think…really.
Because of who I am as a wife and how I was raised, I do personally believe that boudoir images are intimate and private. Because of that, I do not publicly share boudoir images of my actual clients. Ever. Thats just me.
But I do NOT expect someone to trust me to shoot panty photos of them without first seeing examples that prove I am in fact, a very good boudoir photographer that will capture their true beauty! That is why I will set up and shoot a session with a model (or in this case my amazing cousin) with the express intent of using it to show you examples of what a full gallery may look like should you be interested in a session!
On social media, you will see is an occasional photo like the one shared above that does meet my personal checklist for “modesty”.
And again. If you don’t agree or have a different standard of modesty….Read my first point and know there are no hard feelings if you hit the “Unfollow” or “Unlike” button. We can still be friends when we meet on the street or in church!
Credits and such: The model is my BEAUTIFUL cousin Lauren who is a very talented Boudoir Photographer from Oregon! Makeup by Stormie Steen in ABQ. And studio location thanks to Jessica Ashley Photography!
Jan 15, 2016
© 2022 SHOWIT TEMPLATE BY birdesign & roselyncarr.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY Lyndsey & Nelson Garber
This picture is A-Maz-Ing.
So glad you’re sticking to your guns/beliefs/values. I wouldn’t expect any less of you.
Love you, friend!
Love you too girl!
I love this ! I copying and sharing on my page
Try not to think of it as loosing followers, but rather refining your followers to ones that truly align & are interested in your work 💗
I absolutely LOVE your photography on every level. It’s always tasteful and classic and beautiful. I wholeheartedly agree with you on boudoir photography and would actually love to do something like this someday. Keep up the amazing work!